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VIDEO: Senator Peters Commemorates Martin Luther King Jr. Day

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Senator Gary Peters (MI) released a video message to commemorate Martin Luther King Jr. Day ahead of the holiday on Monday, January 15th, 2024:

As we celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., it’s an important time to honor and reflect on the causes he dedicated his life to. Through his words and in his actions, Dr. King led a movement across America, inspiring us to stand up to injustice and live a life of service to others. Despite every obstacle, he held an enduring love for his country, and he believed in a better future for America,” said Senator Peters. “On this MLK Day, let’s recommit ourselves to his cause by doing what’s right: taking action, serving our communities, and standing up for the rights of all people.”

Peters MLK Day

To watch video of Senator Peters’ remarks, click here.

Below is the text of Senator Peters’ remarks as delivered:

“As we celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., it’s an important time to honor and reflect on the causes he dedicated his life to. Through his words and in his actions, Dr. King led a movement across America, inspiring us to stand up to injustice and live a life of service to others. Despite every obstacle, he held an enduring love for his country, and he believed in a better future for America.

“Dr. King’s lessons continue to be just as relevant today. As we live through another period in which basic rights and freedoms are under attack, we must always remember to lead by his example. On this MLK Day, let’s recommit ourselves to his cause by doing what’s right: taking action, serving our communities, and standing up for the rights of all people.”
