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VIDEO: Peters Urges FBI Director to Prioritize Addressing Domestic Terrorism Threat

During the Same Hearing, Peters Also Asked Drug Enforcement Agency Administrator About Efforts to Disrupt the Fentanyl Supply Chain

WASHINGTON, DC – During a Senate Appropriations Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Subcommittee hearing, U.S. Senator Gary Peters (MI) urged Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Director Christopher Wray to prioritize addressing the threat domestic terrorism poses to communities. During the same hearing, Peters pressed Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) Administrator Anne Milgram on the need to improve federal efforts to disrupt the supply chain to help address fentanyl from reaching our country — and to help stem the fentanyl crisis.

Peters asked FBI Director Wray to identify efforts that demonstrate the FBI is prioritizing the investigation of and response to domestic terrorism.

“You and I have discussed the fact that white supremacist and anti-government extremists really pose the greatest terrorist threat in the country, domestic terrorism threat here in the homeland for many years,” said Senator Peters. “As you know and we’ve talked about this, I am still waiting for a complete accounting from the FBI and the DHS – which was mandated by a law that I wrote along with Senator Johnson in the 2019 NDAA – certainly that information is important because if you don’t really have a full measure of what you’re dealing with, then we don’t know how to properly resource to it.”

In response, FBI Director Wray emphasized the FBI has requested an increase in funding for counterterrorism and to provide additional tools to proactively counter the threat, including increasing investigative capacity, facilitating information sharing, identifying emerging trends to better get ahead of the threat and strengthen relationships with law enforcement and the private sector.

Peters has long-fought to ensure our security and counterterrorism agencies are effectively combating the rising threat of domestic terrorism, including white supremacist and anti-government violence. Peters released a report in November 2022 detailing the results of his investigation into the rise of domestic terrorism, which found that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and FBI have failed to effectively track and report data on the domestic terrorism threat – despite being required to do so by a 2019 law spearheaded by Peters. The investigation also found that while independent experts and national security officials call white supremacist and anti-government violence the most significant terrorist threat facing our nation today, this lack of data has limited Congress’ ability to determine whether counterterrorism agencies are allocating resources to effectively address the growing threat posed by domestic terrorism.

To watch video of Senator Peters’ question about federal efforts to address domestic terrorism, click here or on the image below.


During the hearing, Peters also asked DEA Administrator Milgram how federal agencies are working to combat the trafficking of illicit drugs like fentanyl. Precursors used to make fentanyl often originate in China and other countries and then final products, like counterfeit pills, are smuggled into the U.S. Peters and Milgram discussed what additional tools federal law enforcement requires to disrupt these supply chains and prevent harmful and illicit drugs from reaching our communities.

“Frequently, discussion about the movement of fentanyl focuses on the Department of Homeland Security’s seizures at ports of entry across the border. But as you know, there’s critical work that needs to be done to deal with fentanyl much earlier, particularly when it comes to the supply chain,” said Senator Peters. “So, my question is… how do we deal with precursors in this long chain that leads to dangerous products coming into our country?”

In response, DEA Administrator Milgram agreed with Peters on the need to disrupt supply chains at the precursor level to prevent dangerous drugs from entering the country. Administrator Milgram also shared that the Agency is working with DHS and other federal agencies to determine how to best infiltrate and track shipments containing precursors used to illicitly produce fentanyl.

As Chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, Peters has worked to address the fentanyl crisis. He reintroduced bipartisan legislation to help the Department of Homeland Security stop the flow of deadly drugs like fentanyl into our nation. Peters also reintroduced bipartisan legislation to require Customs and Border Protection to hire additional officers to ensure they have sufficient personnel to carry out their mission. Peters previously helped secure $87 million for non-intrusive inspection systems, which have enabled CBP Officers to better detect drug trafficking and other criminal activity.

To watch video of Senator Peters’ question about efforts to address the fentanyl crisis, click here or on the image below. 

