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Sens. Peters, Ernst Relaunch Senate Albanian Issues Caucus

Peters & Ernst Meet with Albanian Foreign Affairs Minister Ditmir Bushati

WASHINGTON, DC - U.S. Senators Gary Peters (D-MI) and Joni Ernst (R-IA) today announced they are relaunching the Senate Albanian Issues Caucus. Peters and Ernst, who will serve as co-Chairs of the caucus, also met with Albanian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ditmir Bushati today. The Senate Albanian Issues Caucus will help to facilitate dialogue on critical issues facing the Albanian American community and countries in Southeast Europe with significant Albanian populations.

“Albania is a key American ally and a valued member of the international community that is committed to advancing democracy and enacting critical reforms. I am proud to represent one of the largest populations of Albanian Americans in the United States, and their strong contributions to Michigan’s economy and culture are a testament to the pride Albanian Americans take in their heritage,” said Senator Peters. “I look forward to working with Senator Ernst to reaffirm the deep bonds between the American and Albanian people and support democratic rights for Albanians in Balkan nations.”

“It is crucial that we continue to strengthen our relationships with our allies in Southeast Europe,” said Senator Ernst. “It was wonderful to visit with Minister Bushati today, and as co-chair of the Senate Albanian Issues Caucus along with Senator Peters, I look forward to further discussions about how we can best support the advancement of our shared goals and mutual interests.”

Last year, Peters met with Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama in Washington, DC and discussed with him United States-Albania relations and highlighted the important contributions of Albanian Americans in the United States. In the 114th Congress, Peters co-Chaired the Senate Albanian Issues Caucus with former Senator Mark Kirk.