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Senators Peters, Stabenow and Congressman Kildee Urge Governor Snyder to Accept Responsibility, Commit Resources for Flint Water Crisis

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Gary Peters (D-MI), U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) and Congressman Dan Kildee (D-MI) today sent a letter to Governor Snyder urging him to commit state resources to address the short term and long term damage from the Flint water crisis, including the establishment of a Future Fund for children exposed to lead poisoning. The letter also asks for assurances that the State will commit to repair the damaged water infrastructure, reimburse residents’ water bills, and reimburse the City for the cost of re-connecting to the Detroit water system.

The letter reads in part:“While we are united in our efforts to secure federal resources that might be available to address this crisis, we ask for your assurance that the state accept responsibility for this disaster by committing the substantial financial resources needed to address Flint’s needs in both the short and long term. Whether through surplus funds, rainy day funds or other state resources, the state has a moral obligation to make Flint whole and fix the damage that has been done.” 

Full text of the letter:

Dear Governor Snyder,

Attached is our letter to the President supporting your request for federal assistance for Flint.

While we are united in our efforts to secure federal resources that might be available to address this crisis, we ask for your assurance that the state accept responsibility for this disaster by committing the substantial financial resources needed to address Flint’s needs in both the short and long term.

Whether through surplus funds, rainy day funds or other state resources, the state has a moral obligation to make Flint whole and fix the damage that has been done.  In addition to addressing the immediate needs of the community, we ask that state resources be set aside in a “Future Fund” to address the long term damage, including the health and educational needs of the children exposed to high lead levels.

The state should also develop a long-term strategic plan and devote the resources needed to fix the water infrastructure damage caused by the lack of corrosion control. This plan must ensure the safety of the water as the community transitions to the Karegnondi Water Authority pipeline which will connect Flint and the surrounding area with water from Lake Huron.

Finally, Flint residents must be reimbursed by the state for their water bills during this crisis. Residents should not have to pay for contaminated water that was a result of drastic mistakes in decision-making and oversight. In addition, the City of Flint should be reimbursed for their contribution to the cost of reconnecting to the Detroit water system.

We remain committed to doing everything we can at the federal level to support the families of Flint, and we urge you to use every effort to secure these necessary resources at the state level as well.

