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Sen. Peters: House Amendment Indicates Willingness to Help Flint

WASHINGTON, DC – Below is a statement from U.S. Senator Gary Peters (MI) on the agreement in the House of Representatives to vote on an amendment to the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) that would move towards providing federal aid to Flint: 


“The people of Flint have waited far too long for Congress to act and finally help put them on the road to recovery. House Republican leadership refused to even go on record supporting Flint as recently as Monday, and I am pleased that under pressure from Senate and House Democrats they are now indicating some willingness to help Flint. I will continue pushing to pass our carefully crafted, fully paid-for agreement that passed the Senate with overwhelming bipartisan support as part of WRDA or another legislative vehicle. I have said that Congress can and should help both flooding victims and Flint residents, and I cannot support a government funding bill that prioritizes one state’s emergency over another’s.”