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Peters to Travel to Liberia to See Michigan National Guard Work, Observe National Elections

U.S. Senator Gary Peters (MI), a member of the Senate Armed Services and Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committees, will travel to Liberia to meet with Liberian defense officials and see the impact of the Michigan National Guard’s State Partnership Program with the Liberian military. The State Partnership Program connects state national guards with partner countries around the world. The Michigan National Guard has partnered with Liberia since 2009 to further both nation’s security cooperation and national security goals.

“The Michigan National Guard plays a vital role in helping to support our allies around the world, and I am looking forward to see their work in Liberia firsthand,” said Senator Peters. “This partnership provides valuable training and operational experiences for our Michigan National Guard and strengthens our national security efforts in West Africa.”

Peters will also serve as an election monitor for Liberia’s presidential and legislative elections as part of the National Democratic Institute’s (NDI) international delegation. The National Democratic Institute is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization working to support and strengthen democratic institutions worldwide through citizen participation, openness and accountability in government.

“In this election, Liberians have an opportunity for a historic peaceful transfer of power from one democratically-elected president to another,” said Senator Peters. “I am honored to be joining an international delegation to observe the process and to support transparent and peaceful elections.”