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Peters Statement Urging U.S. Senate to Swiftly Vote on Mayorkas Confirmation

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Gary Peters (MI), the top Democrat on the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, released the following statement urging the Senate to swiftly vote on the confirmation of Alejandro Mayorkas as Secretary of Homeland Security:

“Our nation is facing unprecedented crises and threats to American national security, from the devastating Coronavirus pandemic to massive cyber breaches across government and the private sector – and as we have seen too clearly in recent weeks – rising domestic terrorism and anti-government violence. The Department of Homeland Security is the lead agency charged with combatting these threats and more, and it needs qualified, Senate-confirmed leadership in place immediately.

“DHS Secretary-designate Alejandro Mayorkas demonstrated his strong expertise and qualifications for this role at his confirmation hearing this morning. I urge my colleagues to follow the precedent set by the confirmations of Secretary John Kelly and Secretary Janet Napolitano by consenting to hold a vote on Alejandro Mayorkas’ nomination on January 20th so he can begin working to safeguard our homeland security on day one of the Biden Administration.”
