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Peters Statement Opposing Sen. Jeff Sessions Nomination for Attorney General

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senator Gary Peters issued the following statement in opposition of Senator Jeff Sessions’ nomination to be U.S. Attorney General:

“The U.S. Attorney General is responsible for protecting the civil rights of all Americans, and I do not believe that Senator Sessions’ past positions and comments are consistent with carrying out that duty. He has denigrated respected civil rights organizations like the NAACP. He also fiercely opposed legislative efforts to protect voting rights and shield women and LGBT Americans from domestic and sexual violence—laws that he would be required to enforce as Attorney General.

“Furthermore, the U.S. Attorney General’s first loyalty must be to our Constitution and the rule of law, not the President’s personal political interests. Given his involvement with a number of recent executive orders that run counter to our fundamental American values, I am not confident that Senator Sessions will maintain the Justice Department’s independence or stand up to President Trump’s harmful policies.

“Senator Sessions’ record of positions shows a disregard for laws that safeguard Americans’ most fundamental rights, and I cannot support his nomination to be our nation’s highest law enforcement officer.”