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Peters Statement Opposing Mick Mulvaney for Director of the Office of Management and Budget

WASHINGTON, DC - U.S. Senator Gary Peters (MI) released the following statement opposing the nomination of U.S. Representative Mick Mulvaney to be the Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). Peters voted against Mulvaney’s nomination on the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee.

“Social Security and Medicare are sacred promises that Michigan seniors rely on to retire with dignity after working their entire lives. During the campaign, President Trump promised not to cut these critical programs, but Representative Mulvaney, his nominee for OMB Director, has openly embraced - and even voted in favor of - gutting the vital lifelines millions rely on to make ends meet. 

“At Representative Mulvaney's hearing, I was very alarmed by his responses reaffirming his openness to raising the Social Security retirement age and extensively cutting Medicare, which provides critical, lifesaving care for 1.9 million Michiganders. While Congress must take steps to address the nation's deficit, we simply cannot do so on the backs of Michigan working families and seniors. Representative Mulvaney’s willingness to strip away the benefits Michiganders worked so hard for is unacceptable, and I could not support his nomination.”