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Peters Statement on Supreme Court's ACA Ruling

WASHINGTON, DCU.S. Senator Gary Peters (MI) released the following statement today in response to the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in the King v. Burwell case upholding the Affordable Care Act’s tax-credit subsidies:

“I applaud the Supreme Court’s ruling today to uphold the tax credits that have meant  affordable health care coverage for millions of Americans through the federal exchange. The intent of the Affordable Care Act has always been crystal clear: all Americans should have access to affordable health insurance, regardless of what state they live in. Eliminating these tax credits would have created a catastrophe for the nation’s health care system, taking away affordable health insurance from millions of families and leading to skyrocketing premiums.

“Nearly 300,000 Michiganders are enrolled in health coverage through the federal exchange, making our state’s one of the most successful marketplaces in the country. Additionally, nearly 80 percent of these individuals count on the federal subsidies guaranteeing affordable coverage that the Supreme Court protected in today’s ruling.

“Because of the ACA, our country has finally begun to bring down health care cost increases. Insurance companies can no longer discriminate against people with pre-existing conditions. Women cannot be charged more for their health care simply because of their gender. Millions of Americans are gaining some measure of security and stability through affordable health coverage. It is clear that the law is working, and I hope today’s ruling encourages my Republican colleagues to stop trying to repeal this law and start working across the aisle to improve access to quality, affordable health care for all Americans.”
