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Peters Statement on Silver Carp Discovery Near Lake Michigan

WASHINGTON, DCU.S. Senator Gary Peters (MI), a member of the Senate Great Lakes Task Force, released the following statement regarding an announcement from the Asian Carp Regional Coordinating Committee that a silver carp has been discovered in Illinois, within nine miles from Lake Michigan and beyond an electric barrier designed to prevent invasive species from entering the Great Lakes basin:

“We know how serious of a threat invasive species like Asian carp are to the Great Lakes ecosystem and economy. This discovery reaffirms that we must do everything we can to prevent Asian carp from reaching the Great Lakes basin - starting with the swift release of the Brandon Road Study to evaluate the next steps needed to protect our waterways from this harmful invasive species. I am very disappointed that the Trump Administration has delayed the release of this critical study, and I will continue working with the entire Michigan Congressional delegation to demand this study’s immediate release.”

Earlier this week, Peters helped introduce the Stop Asian Carp Now Act, which will require the Trump Administration to release the Brandon Road Study within seven days of the bill’s enactment.
