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Peters Statement on Proposal to Rescind Blight Removal Funds in Highway Bill

WASHINGTON, DCU.S. Senator Gary Peters (MI) released the following statement on the Senate proposal to rescind money set aside in the Hardest Hit Fund for blight removal in Michigan and other states:

“Congress must come together and pass a multi-year transportation bill that makes smart investments to upgrade our country’s crumbling infrastructure, but it is unacceptable to fund this plan at the expense of the Michigan communities that rely on this funding to eliminate blight and improve their neighborhoods. This proposal not only risks future blight removal funds—it could leave cities across Michigan on the hook for millions of dollars already outlaid for blight removal projects.

“Many communities in Michigan have made great progress removing blight with the help of the Hardest Hit Fund, revitalizing their neighborhoods, increasing home values and making our communities safer. But there is still work to be done to continue improving blighted areas across Michigan, and these funds are critical to those efforts. I will be working with my colleagues in Congress to ensure that communities in Michigan can continue to bounce back, and that they are never forced to bear the brunt of the cost as we work to pass a much needed long-term highway plan.”
