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Peters Statement on Nomination of Mike Pompeo for Secretary of State

WASHINGTON, DCU.S. Senator Gary Peters (MI) released the following statement opposing the nomination of Mike Pompeo, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), to be Secretary of State:

“I opposed Director Pompeo’s nomination to lead the CIA because he lacked the experience and qualifications for the position, and his tenure at the CIA has failed to assure me that he now has the capabilities to lead the State Department. I remain concerned about his hostility to American Muslims, his support of torture, and other positions contrary to American values.

“Above all, skilled and experienced diplomacy is urgently needed to advance American values on the global stage. At a time when our nation faces pressing global challenges – including Russian aggression, North Korea and instability in the Middle East – other nations will look to the United States for leadership. I do not believe Director Pompeo possesses the necessary experience and diplomatic skills to be Secretary of State, and I will be opposing his nomination.”
