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Peters Statement on Meeting with U.S. Supreme Court Nominee Judge Merrick Garland

WASHINGTON, D.C. -U.S. Senator Gary Peters issued the following statement after his meeting with President Obama’s U.S. Supreme Court Nominee Judge Merrick Garland, who currently serves as Chief Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit:

“I’m pleased I had the opportunity to meet with Chief Judge Merrick Garland today, and I am impressed by his distinguished credentials and his thoughtful demeanor. His extensive judicial experience makes him a highly accomplished nominee for the United States Supreme Court, who should be given full consideration.

“While I appreciated the opportunity to speak with Chief Judge Garland, these individual meetings cannot and should not replace the judicial hearing process. Our nation’s highest court plays too critical of a role in our democracy for this vacancy to remain unfilled for an extended period of time. Just as President Obama has a constitutional responsibility to submit a nominee, the U.S. Senate has a responsibility to give that nominee a thorough and fair review. I strongly urge my colleagues to swiftly hold a public hearing and vote on Chief Judge Garland’s nomination to the Supreme Court.”