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Peters Statement on EPA Formation of the Flint Safe Drinking Water Task Force

DETROIT, MI - Below is a statement from U.S. Senator Gary Peters (MI) in response to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announcement that they are forming the Flint Safe Drinking Water Task Force, which will include science and technical experts from the EPA as well as officials from the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) and the City of Flint:

“All Michiganders deserve access to safe and clean drinking water, and the increased lead levels found in the Flint water system are simply unacceptable. I personally raised this issue with EPA Administrator McCarthy and have called on the EPA to provide the necessary resources and technical expertise to help ensure the water system is safe for drinking, cooking and bathing. All levels of government need to work together to prevent this type of situation from ever happening again, and the Flint Safe Drinking Water Task Force is a good first step. I am pleased that the EPA is playing an active role in addressing this situation so Flint residents can be assured that the water they are consuming will not harm them or their children.

“I will continue working with the EPA and state and local officials to help manage the transition to the Detroit water system, as well as anticipate and address the challenges of future transitions.  I will also be fighting in Congress to boost funding for the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund to help communities across Michigan protect their water systems.”

Senator Peters has been a strong supporter of the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund, which provides federal resources for states to direct funding and loans to communities to improve their drinking water infrastructure. 
