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Peters Statement on Environmental Impact Statement for Potential Missile Defense Site

Fort Custer near Battle Creek Considered a Finalist to Host Continental Interceptor Site for the East Coast

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Senator Gary Peters (MI), a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, released the statement below on the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD)’s Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for a potential missile defense site for the East Coast, which was released today. The statement reiterates the summary Senator Peters received in June, which noted that while Fort Drum in New York is the current preferred option “by a small margin”, Fort Custer near Battle Creek is considered the least expensive option and that – should a site be necessary in the future – the preferred locations will be re-evaluated.

“The Environmental Impact Statement reaffirms that Fort Custer is a strong contender to host a potential missile defense site in the future,” said Senator Peters. “As our nation faces evolving threats, I know Fort Custer and the Battle Creek Air National Guard Base will continue to play a critical role in our national defense. I will continue supporting the missions at Michigan’s military installations and working to ensure our military has the resources it needs to complete their missions safely and effectively.”

Peters has repeatedly pressed DoD officials on an update and highlighted Fort Custer as an ideal candidate to host the missile defense site. In this year’s national defense bill that passed the Senate, Peters supported a provision that required the department to publish the EIS – which it delayed doing. Peters has also helped lead the Michigan Congressional delegation in reiterating strong support for the Fort Custer Training Center as a host for the site. He has also helped introduce bipartisan legislation that was signed into law strengthening missile defense and requiring an accelerated completion of the EIS.
