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Peters Statement Following Meeting with Office of Management and Budget Director-Designate Neera Tanden

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Gary Peters (MI), Ranking Member of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, issued the following statement after meeting with President-elect Joe Biden’s Office of Management and Budget Director-Designate Neera Tanden to discuss issues faced by working families in Michigan and across the nation:

“Families in Michigan and across the country are facing trying circumstances brought on by the Coronavirus pandemic, and they need Congress and the incoming Administration to work together to give them desperately needed support. I appreciated the opportunity to meet with President-elect Biden’s Office of Management and Budget Director-Designate Neera Tanden to discuss the dire situations too many hardworking American families are struggling through and hear her plans to help address the historic economic and public health crises we are facing. Now more than ever, Americans would benefit from leaders like Ms. Tanden. She understands the everyday needs of working and middle class families and has devoted her career in public service and public policy to building a better economy that works for all Americans.

“Ms. Tanden and I also discussed how we can work together to address the PFAS contamination crisis, protect clean water and the Great Lakes for Michigan’s communities, and ensure science-based safeguards that protect marginalized communities – especially communities of color and other vulnerable populations. We also agreed that we must work together to secure good manufacturing jobs for Michiganders and fight climate change. I am looking forward to working with Ms. Tanden through the confirmation process.”


Peters, Ranking Member of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, virtually meets with President-Elect Biden’s Office of Management and Budget Director-Designate Neera Tanden. 
