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Peters, Stabenow Announce Support for Great Lakes Habitat Restoration

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senators Gary Peters and Debbie Stabenow today announced $497,507 in funding for the Great Lakes Commission to lead a regional partnership to restore habitats in the Great Lakes. The Commission will work with the West Michigan Shoreline Regional Development Commission to restore fish passage and habitat in Muskegon Lake. This funding comes from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

“Protecting the health and sustainability of the Great Lakes is a top concern for Michiganders, who rely on the Great Lakes for their water supply, jobs and way of life," said Senator Peters, Member of the Great Lakes Task Force. "This investment will play a significant role in restoring fish passages and wildlife habitats, which strengthen our economy and preserve the state’s natural beauty."

“Our lakes are part of who we are and our way of life,” said Stabenow, Co-Chair of the Great Lakes Task Force. “This investment will help regional partners work together to protect our Great Lakes, waterways, and wildlife habitats.”

The Commission will work with the West Michigan Shoreline Regional Development Commission to develop a study and design the Lower Muskegon River Restoration Project, which will reconnect the former floodplain wetlands with the Muskegon River and restore fish passage and habitat for native fish and wildlife. The Commission was also awarded $1,595,505 to restore the Buffalo River Area of Concern in New York.

This support will help continue work already underway through the U.S. Great Lakes Areas of Concern program and the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, which is a multi-year plan to restore and preserve the Great Lakes by eliminating toxins, combating invasive species, restoring habitats, and promoting the general health of the Lakes. The Commission has received $30 million to date for Great Lakes restoration efforts.