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Peters, Stabenow Announce Support for Cherry Grove Fire Department

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senators Gary Peters and Debbie Stabenow today announced $57,519 for the Cherry Grove Fire Department to purchase chest compression systems and upgrade their air packs. The chest compression system will help free up the department’s medical team to treat more patients, which is especially valuable in rural areas where the nearest hospital can be 30 minutes away. This grant comes from the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Assistance to Firefighters Grants program.

“Cherry Grove Township firefighters put their lives on the line to protect our homes, our families and our small businesses,” said Senator Peters. “These new resources will provide the department with a chest compression system that will help firefighters and first responders treat more patients and save lives in emergency situations.”

“Our firefighters in Cherry Grove Township put their lives on the line to protect our families and homes,” said Senator Stabenow. “Thanks to these new resources, these brave men and women will have the equipment they need to help them do their jobs more safely and effectively.”

“This grant will help us tremendously to better serve our community and provide better quality of service to our residents,” said Randy Miles, Fire Chief of the Cherry Grove Fire Department.

The Assistance to Firefighters Grants program has positively affected public safety by providing nearly $7.3 billion since 2001 for infrared cameras, personal protective gear, hazmat detection devices, improved breathing apparatuses, and interoperable communications systems. This equipment is critical to ensuring the safety of firefighters as they respond to emergencies and protect our communities. 

Eligible fire departments and Emergency Medical Services organizations in Michigan and across the country can apply for Assistance to Firefighters Grants. These competitive grants help first responders purchase the equipment and obtain the training needed to handle fire-related hazards. More information about the grant can be found at