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Peters, Stabenow Announce Fire Prevention Funding for Meridian Township Fire Department

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Senators Gary Peters and Debbie Stabenow today announced Meridian Township Fire Department will receive $66,667 from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Assistance to Firefighters Grants (AFG) Program to purchase and install new combination smoke and carbon monoxide alarms in Meridian Township homes.

“Investing in local fire prevention efforts goes a long way toward saving lives during emergencies,” said Senator Peters. “With this funding, the Meridian Township Fire Department can continue their important work to ensure homes throughout the community have smoke and carbon monoxide alarms.”

“Our firefighters in Meridian Township put their lives on the line to protect our families and homes,” said Senator Stabenow. “Prevention is key and these resources will help save lives and the treasured possessions of so many families.”

“Smoke and carbon monoxide alarms are essential to protect families and save lives in emergencies,” said Fire Inspector Tavis Millerov, Meridian Township. “These funds will help our department purchase and install lifesaving combination fire and carbon monoxide alarms for residents as part of our overall Fire Prevention mission.”

The Assistance to Firefighters Grants program has positively affected public safety by providing nearly $7.3 billion since 2001 for fire prevention and safety equipment.

Eligible fire departments and Emergency Medical Services organizations in Michigan and across the country can apply for Assistance to Firefighters Grants. These competitive grants help first responders purchase the equipment and obtain the training needed to handle fire-related hazards. More information about the grant can be found at