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Peters Speaks on Senate Floor and Helps Confirm Jennifer Granholm as Secretary of Energy

WASHINGTON, DC  U.S. Senator Gary Peters (MI) today delivered floor remarks in support of former Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm’s nomination to be Secretary of Energy. Peters voted in favor of her confirmation, which passed the Senate with bipartisan support.

“I’ve known Secretary-designate Granholm for many years and I served in her Administration while she was Governor. There is no question she is uniquely qualified to serve as Secretary of Energy. As the Governor of Michigan, she led our state through an economic crisis, she knows how to deal with multi-faceted challenges – and has a documented record of strong leadership,” said Senator Peters. “As Governor, she worked to support groundbreaking research that’s conducted at Michigan’s world-class institutions – research that is constantly leading to new discoveries that will change the world, create jobs and save lives.”

“If we’re going to build back better – we must do so in a sustainable, forward-thinking way that addresses climate change. That’s something President Biden’s Administration is committed to doing – and I know Secretary-designate Granholm is as well,” continued Senator Peters. “I could not be more excited to say we will have a fellow Michigander leading the Department of Energy.”

You can download Senator Peters’ remarks by clicking here.

Below are Senator Peters’ remarks, as delivered:

“I’m proud to stand today in support of Jennifer Granholm’s nomination to be the next Secretary of Energy. I’ve known Secretary-designate Granholm for many years and I served in her Administration while she was Governor. There is no question she is uniquely qualified to serve as Secretary of Energy.

“As the Governor of Michigan, she led our state through an economic crisis, she knows how to deal with multi-faceted challenges – and has a documented record of strong leadership. During her confirmation hearing, Jennifer Granholm outlined three key missions that she wants to prioritize in her new role:

“One, strengthening national security – particularly on nuclear nonproliferation through the National Nuclear Security Administration;

“Two, supporting the research and development at scientific research facilities all across the country;

“And three, utilizing that research to create new, good-paying jobs for Americans.

“All of these issues are issues that Jennifer Granholm has been particularly focused on throughout her entire career.

“As Governor, she worked to support groundbreaking research that’s conducted at Michigan’s world-class institutions – research that is constantly leading to new discoveries that will change the world, create jobs and save lives.

“As Governor, Jennifer Granholm secured bipartisan support to establish the 21st Century Jobs Fund – which leveraged funding to diversify Michigan’s economy, create jobs in clean energy by attracting new business investments – and put Michigan on a better path.

“Those are the kinds of actions and investments that I look forward to working with Secretary-designate Granholm on in the coming months and in the coming years. And, it is clear she recognizes what must be done to advance our nation’s energy interests – because she has already achieved results in Michigan.

“If we’re going to build back better – we must do so in a sustainable, forward-thinking way that addresses climate change. That’s something President Biden’s Administration is committed to doing – and I know Secretary-designate Granholm is as well.

“I could not be more excited to say we will have a fellow Michigander leading the Department of Energy – and I urge my colleagues to support her confirmation.”
