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Peters Releases Oversight Update Showing Congressional Pressure Helped Address Damaging USPS Delays, but Challenges Remain

Peters Continues Efforts to Restore Reliable On-Time Delivery for Michiganders and Americans

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Gary Peters (MI), Ranking Member of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, released an oversight update assessing ongoing concerns at the Postal Service, including the proposed strategic plan from Postmaster General Louis DeJoy and the Board of Governors that would make further changes to USPS finances and operations and potentially lead to permanent damage to delivery performance. Peters’ successful oversight helped block the changes that caused initials delays in July, but he raises additional concerns in today’s update about the need to continue working to improve service standards, and ensure better transparency and cooperation from USPS leadership.

“I am committed to ensuring that Michiganders and Americans can rely on the Postal Service for timely delivery not just through the pandemic when we are counting on them more than ever, but for years to come,” said Senator Peters. “As we saw over the summer, the changes that Mr. DeJoy and the Board of Governors carelessly made without consulting Congress or even studying their possible effects first had disastrous consequences for small businesses, veterans, seniors, rural communities and others who depend on the USPS to stay connected. I will keep fighting to ensure USPS leadership does not cut mail delivery services or make other changes that could cause additional harm to postal customers.”


Peters’ update confirmed previous findings that Postal Service leaders failed to consider the impacts of their changes and that on-time first-class mail delivery plummeted in the weeks after Mr. DeJoy assumed leadership. USPS leaders did not complete any study or analysis of the impact the changes would make on mail service prior to implementation, nor did they seek stakeholder input or public hearings. 

Additionally, the update relays Peters’ concern that Postal Service leadership is still considering a broad overhaul and potentially deep cuts to USPS operations. USPS documents that became public in August 2020 show that Mr. DeJoy has considered future changes that would likely result in compromised service for millions of Americans who rely on the mail. The update reinforces Peters’ intention to demand transparency from Postal Service leadership, ensure they fully study and seek public input on any plans for the Postal Service’s future, and ensure high delivery standards.

As Ranking Member of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, Peters has fought to protect the Postal Service and its 245-year tradition of mail delivery. Peters released a report detailing the results of his investigation into how operational changes at the Postal Service ordered by Postmaster General Louis DeJoy resulted in compromised service for Americans. He has also introduced the Delivering for America Act, which would block DeJoy from making any more changes during the pandemic, require DeJoy to reverse changes which have caused mail delays, and provide $25 billion in funding to USPS.
