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Peters Recognizes LGBT Pride Month

WASHINGTON, DCU.S. Senator Gary Peters (MI) released the following statement in recognition of June as LGBT Pride Month:

“In the face of discrimination and adversity, generations of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Americans have courageously fought for justice and civil rights. Our nation was built on the promise of equality, and this year during Pride Month we are once again reminded that while we have made tremendous strides towards equal rights in recent years, we still have work to do. Many LGBT Americans still lack important legal protections, and endure injustice and even violence in their everyday lives. Whether LGBT Americans are seeking equal access to housing, fair treatment in the workplace or even the right to shop at the same businesses as other Americans – no one should face discrimination because of who they are or who they love. I believe that our nation is stronger when we embrace our diversity and work to build a more inclusive society. As we honor Pride Month, I will keep working to fight for opportunity, equality and justice for all Americans.”

