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Peters Meets with President-elect Biden’s Secretary of Defense Designate General Lloyd Austin

WASHINGTON, DC U.S. Senator Gary Peters (MI), a former Lieutenant Commander in the U.S. Navy Reserve and member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, today met with President-elect Joe Biden’s Secretary of Defense-designate, retired General Lloyd Austin. Peters released the following statement on the meeting:

“I appreciated the opportunity to meet with General Austin to discuss a number of important defense issues affecting Michigan and our national security. We need steady leadership at the Department of Defense to help lead us in countering adversaries like China, Russia and Iran, rebuild relationships with allies and to address evolving security threats, including to our cybersecurity. We also talked issues critical to Michigan, including the urgent need to address PFAS contamination and ensure a strong future mission at Selfridge Air National Guard Base. 

“We had an opportunity to talk about his immense military experience and a thoughtful conversation about how he would lead the Pentagon. I strongly believe in the principle of civilian control of the military and plan to continue considering this important issue during the confirmation process.”

Sen Peters Gen Austin Meeting 

Senator Peters meets with retired General Lloyd Austin, President elect-Biden’s Secretary of Defense-designate.
