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Peters, Lummis Urge FCC to Accelerate Deployment of Connected Vehicle Technology

Connected Vehicle Technology Improves Roadway Safety & Efficiency; Will Help Ensure U.S. Does Not Fall Behind Other Countries

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Senators Gary Peters (D-MI), Chairman of the Senate Subcommittee on Surface Transportation, Maritime, Freight and Ports, and Cynthia Lummis (R-WY) led a bipartisan call urging the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to take swift action to enable deployment of Cellular Vehicle to Everything (C-V2X) technology. C-V2X is an intelligent transportation system (ITS) technology that enables data sharing between vehicles, the infrastructure they operate on, and nearby road users – improving roadway safety and efficiency. Peters and Lummis are calling on the FCC to accelerate the approval of C-V2X waivers, which would jumpstart deployment of this lifesaving mobility safety technology and ensure the U.S. does not fall behind other countries in its development and adoption.

“We write to urge the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to take swift action on pending waiver requests to enable deployment of Cellular Vehicle-to-Everything (C-V2X) technology in the 5.9 GHz spectrum band,” Peters and Lummis wrote. “C-V2X technology is poised to save lives, will pave the way for the future of automobile and transportation infrastructure, and is supported by public and private transportation stakeholders from local and state governments to industry, academia, and public safety groups.”

“Swift action on these waivers is essential given C-V2X technology’s potential to reverse rising roadway fatalities. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimated that 42,915 people died in motor vehicle traffic crashes in 2021, a 10.5 percent increase from 2020,” they continued. “Many of these deaths are avoidable if we facilitate broad deployment of roadway safety technologies like C-V2X. Indeed, NHTSA has previously estimated that safety applications enabled by V2X could eliminate or mitigate the severity of more than 80 percent of light vehicle crashes.”

To view full text of the letter, click here.

Below are statements in support of Peters and Lummis’ call:

“Officials at the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) applaud Sen. Peters for joining others in urging the FCC to approve waivers to enable deployment of Cellular Vehicle-to-Everything (C-V2X) technology in the 5.9 GHz spectrum band,” said MDOT Acting Director Brad Wieferich. “This is especially in Michigan as an international leader in mobility with universities and industry partners, which have been patiently awaiting action on this for sometime.”

“Connected vehicle technology holds the promise to dramatically improve safety on our roads and highways. Every year that we wait to put the technology in place we’re losing thousands of lives that could otherwise be saved,” said Jim Sayer, Director of the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute.

“On average, more than 100 people are killed every day in the U.S. as a result of crashes. For years, the National Safety Council has called on the FCC to remove barriers to deployment of technology solutions to save lives,” said Mark Chung, executive vice president of roadway practice at National Safety Council. “We applaud the leadership of Senators Peters and Lummis to spur action to address the inaction at the FCC. Deploying this technology sooner rather than later can save lives and prevent crashes. We need action now.”

“Vehicle-to-everything or V2X is a game-changing automotive safety technology. It enables vehicles to see around corners, talk to other vehicles on the road, and to communicate with pedestrians, bicyclists, traffic lights and other infrastructure – instantly and in real-time,” said John Bozzella, president and CEO, Alliance for Automotive Innovation. “This connected vehicle technology exists today, and major automakers are prepared to deploy it. Unfortunately, waiver petitions to bring V2X technology to U.S. roadways have languished at the FCC for more than a year. Senators Peters and Lummis understand the potential of V2X to increase safety and save lives, and they’re right to push the FCC to finish up the process quickly so this V2X technology can finally get on the roads.”

“ITS America and our members are grateful for the strong leadership of Senators Peters and Lummis on this critical safety issue. We stand ready to make advances across the industry that will positively impact the lives of millions of Americans, but to see these impacts we need the FCC to act on these waivers,” said Intelligent Transportation Society of America CEO Laura Chace. “We once again urge the FCC to respond swiftly and approve the waivers that will allow the wide-scale deployment of this life-saving technology."

“The 5G Automotive Association concurs with Senators Peters and Lummis that swift action is needed from the Federal Communications Commission and other federal agencies to unlock manifest safety opportunities that Cellular Vehicle-to-Everything technology can provide to curb traffic crashes in the U.S.,” said Maxime Flament, Chief Technology officer at 5GAA, the world’s leading association advancing true connected traffic technologies. “It is encouraging to see a true bipartisan expression from the United States Senate that new solutions must be deployed to address the loss of more than 42,000 lives annually on America’s roads.”

“AASHTO and its members have been at the forefront of the development and deployment of connected and automated vehicles, which have tremendous potential in significantly improving the safety of our surface transportation system as well as the mobility and accessibility for all system users,” said Jim Tymon, Executive Director of AASHTO. “The FCC must take swift action for us to realize the critical life-safety and crash-prevention benefits enabled through deployment of C-V2X technologies.”
