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Peters Introduces Bipartisan Legislation to Strengthen Delivery of Government Services and Federal Workforce

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Senator Gary Peters (MI), Chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, introduced bipartisan legislation to authorize Federal Executive Boards (FEBs), which help improve collaboration among federal agency offices located outside of Washington, D.C. FEBs help coordinate federal emergency response activities at the local level, and build partnerships between agencies and state and local entities to ensure federal programs are administered effectively. Currently there are 28 FEB locations across the nation, including one in Detroit, MI. FEBs are also instrumental in strengthening the federal government’s workforce by leveraging their local partnerships. The bill would enable FEBs to further support agency efforts to recruit and place students, veterans, and others into skills training opportunities like apprenticeships and paid internships at agency field offices.

“From helping coordinate the federal response to natural disasters and emergencies on the ground to strengthening the federal talent pipeline – Federal Executive Boards are critical to ensuring government can effectively serve communities today and for years to come,” said Senator Peters. “This commonsense, bipartisan legislation will ensure agencies’ can improve how they serve taxpayers in Michigan and across the country, as well as create good paying jobs by enhancing federal recruitment, training, and other workforce development efforts.”

“For over 60 years, Federal Executive Boards have been at the core of supporting federal employees across the country. FEBs have strengthened our government’s emergency preparedness, workforce development, and community engagement efforts, which played an invaluable role in the comprehensive response to the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Max Stier, president and CEO of the Partnership for Public Service. “We applaud Sen. Gary Peters and Sen. John Cornyn for recognizing the vital role of the FEBs and introducing the bipartisan Improving Government Efficiency and Workforce Development through Federal Executive Boards Act of 2022, which will help ensure that the FEBs are funded and supported for years to come.”

Currently, FEBs are not formally authorized and do not have a stable source of funding. This means these critical entities are at risk of shutting down or closing. Peters’ bill would provide FEBs with the resources they need to continue supporting agency initiatives and strengthen federal talent pipelines by increasing the number of training opportunities in government.

The Improving Government Efficiency and Workforce Development through Federal Executive Boards Act would authorize FEBs and a stable source of funding. The bill requires administration and oversight of FEBs to be carried out by Office of Personnel Management (OPM) in coordination with the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and the General Services Administration (GSA). The legislation would enhance FEB workforce development-related activities, such as supporting recruitment into federal internship and apprenticeship programs. The bill establishes a reliable interagency fund for FEB office operations. Finally, the bill requires a report to Congress on FEBs following the implementation of the bill.

Peters has led numerous efforts to ensure that taxpayer dollars are spent effectively and efficiently. Earlier this year, he convened a hearing to ensure emergency relief funds have been effectively used to help Americans affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Peters’ bipartisan bill to save taxpayer dollars by ensuring federal property assets are disaster resilient has advanced in the Senate. As a part of the American Rescue Plan, Peters secured $1 billion for the Technology Modernization Fund to modernize federal government systems that deliver critical services, like unemployment insurance, to Americans. Peters’ provision to help save billions of federal taxpayer dollars by curbing erroneous payments to deceased individuals was signed into law last Congress. A law written by Peters to reduce duplicative software purchases called the MEGAByte Act has saved taxpayers more than $450 million since 2016.
