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Peters Introduces Bipartisan Legislation to Protect Burial Benefits of Military Families

Peters’ Bill Would Permanently Extend the VA’s Authority to Bury Spouses, Children of Servicemembers in National VA Cemeteries Where Servicemembers Will Be Laid to Rest

WASHINGTON, DC –U.S. Senator Gary Peters (MI) recently introduced bipartisan legislation to ensure military families can continue to be laid to rest together in Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) national cemeteries.

Under current law, in the tragic case of the spouse or child of an active duty servicemember predeceasing the servicemember, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has the authority to bury that servicemembers’ spouse or child at a VA national cemetery – where the servicemember will one day join their family member. But without Congress acting, the VA’s authority to provide this benefit for our nation’s military families will expire on October 1, 2024. Peters’ Keeping Military Families Together Act of 2023 – which he introduced with U.S. Senators Dan Sullivan (R-AK), Sherrod Brown (D-OH), and Kevin Cramer (R-ND) – would grant the VA permanent authority to bury spouses and dependent children of members of the Armed Forces serving on active duty at the time of their death. The bill also would give the VA permanent authority to furnish a memorial headstone or marker, in cases where remains are unavailable, for spouses and dependent children of active duty servicemembers.

“Servicemembers and their families sacrifice immensely in service to our country,” said Senator Peters, a former Lieutenant Commander in the U.S. Navy Reserve and a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee. “The least that we can do is ensure they can remain together in their final resting place. That’s why I’m introducing this bipartisan, commonsense bill to do just that.”

“During unfortunate times when a spouse or child passes away before the service member, it is paramount for provisions to exist that allow for a choice of final rest together at a VA National Cemetery,” said Quandrea Patterson, Associate Director of VFW Disability Assistance and Memorial Affairs. “The VFW thanks Senators Peters, Sullivan, Brown, and Cramer for this legislation that permanently seeks to keep military families together.”

“We thank Senators Peters, Sullivan, Cramer, and Brown for leading this bipartisan bill and for their commitment to supporting our nation’s military families and servicemembers at every turn,” said Jack McManus, National President of Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA). “Our brave men and women who served in uniform deserve the option to be buried alongside their families, including in the tragic case of a servicemembers’ family member predeceasing them. The Keeping Military Families Together Act protects that benefit.”

Senator Peters’ bill is also supported by the Paralyzed Veterans of America.

As the son of a World War II veteran and a former Lieutenant Commander in the U.S. Navy Reserve, Peters is committed to advocating for Michigan’s servicemembers, veterans, and military families, and fighting to ensure they receive the resources and benefits they have earned, including burial benefits. In May, Peters reintroduced bipartisan legislation to expand Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) burial benefits eligibility to terminally ill veterans who pass away at a non-VA facility while receiving hospice care. The legislation, called Gerald’s Law Act, was named after late Michigan veteran Gerald “Jerry” Elliott of Kingsford who did not receive VA burial benefits since he passed away at home.
