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Peters Introduces Bipartisan Bill to Stabilize USPS and Promote Long-Term Sustainable Service

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Gary Peters (MI), Chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, introduced bipartisan legislation to set the United States Postal Service on a more sustainable financial footing and support the goal of providing long-term reliable service across the country. The bill strengthens transparency and accountability for Postal Service performance, eliminates unnecessary financial burdens, and helps ensure the Postal Service can better serve the American people. Peters has worked to secure significant bipartisan support for the legislation and was joined by a group of nineteen Senators, including ten Republicans, to introduce the bill. A companion bill introduced in the House of Representatives has also received strong bipartisan support.

“Millions of Americans and Michiganders, including seniors, veterans, and small business owners, rely on the Postal Service to deliver. For decades, the Postal Service has struggled to overcome unfair and burdensome financial requirements that risk its ability to continue providing reliable service in the long run,” said Senator Peters. “This commonsense, bipartisan legislation would help put the Postal Service on a sustainable financial footing, ensure it is more transparent and accountable to the American people, and support hardworking postal workers who deliver rain or shine to communities all across the country. I am proud to lead this bipartisan effort in the Senate and stand ready to work with my colleagues to move this bill through Congress.”




To watch video of Senator Peters discussing the Postal Reform Act, click here.

The Postal Service Reform Act would eliminate the aggressive prefunding requirement that has hurt the Postal Service financially, and integrate postal worker retirees’ health care with Medicare. Together, these two reforms would create $45.9 billion in savings for the Postal Service over the next ten years. In addition, the bill would require the Postal Service to maintain its standard of delivering at least six days a week. The legislation would improve transparency of Postal Service operations to both customers and Congress by requiring the publication of easily accessible weekly service data on the Postal Service website, as well as issuing a detailed report to Congress every six months on Postal Service finances and operations. The bill also includes additional provisions for Postal Service accountability and growth.

Peters has fought to protect the Postal Service and its 245-year tradition of mail delivery. Peters is leading efforts to ensure the Postal Service Board of Governors has bipartisan leadership dedicated to improving service. In 2020, Peters championed legislation to secure a $10 billion direct payment to the Postal Service to help ensure it can recover from pandemic-related losses. He also conducted an investigation on operational changes at the Postal Service by Postmaster General Louis DeJoy and postal executives last summer that resulted in compromised service. Earlier this year, he led 33 of his colleagues in pressing Postal Service leadership on actions they are taking to restore on-time mail delivery.
