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Peters Calls for Swift Confirmation of Secretary of Transportation-Designate Buttigieg

During Confirmation Hearing, Peters Secures Commitment from Buttigieg on Key Michigan and National Priorities, Including Self-Driving and Electric Vehicles and Great Lakes Pipeline Safety

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Senator Gary Peters (MI), a member of the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee, called for swift confirmation of President Biden’s Secretary of Transportation-designate Pete Buttigieg. During Buttigieg’s confirmation hearing today, Peters secured commitments from Buttigieg to work with him on key national and Michigan priorities, including the future of the auto industry with self-driving and electric vehicles, pipeline safety in the Great Lakes and rebuilding our infrastructure. Peters previously met with Buttigieg earlier this month to discuss his priorities.

“Secretary-designate Buttigieg and I have had a number of conversations on how to ensure we can keep the American auto industry as the global leader in mobility, support job creation in manufacturing, protect the Great Lakes and rebuild our crumbling roads and bridges,” said Senator Peters. “I was very impressed with his confirmation hearing today and pleased he pledged to work together on priorities that are critical to Michigan and our entire country. Secretary-designate Buttigieg demonstrated a strong commitment to working with Congress on addressing some of the many challenges the Department of Transportation faces. I’m proud to support Secretary-designate Buttigieg’s nomination, and I urge swift confirmation of his nomination so we can start building back better with firm leadership at the helm of the Department.”


You can download video of Senator Peters’ questions at today’s hearing by clicking here.
