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Peters Calls for Resignation of MSU President Simon

WASHINGTON, D.C. U.S. Senator Gary Peters (MI) released the following statement calling on Michigan State University President Lou Anna Simon to resign in the wake of Larry Nassar’s sexual abuse scandal:

“We will never be able to fully account for the damage that Larry Nassar has done to his victims.  In the past week, the survivors have fully awoken us to the evil he perpetrated, and now the judicial system has delivered the justice it can provide.  However, it has become clear that the leadership at Michigan State University has failed to adequately prevent, address or respond to the victimization of young women and girls on its campus, and the crisis at MSU continues despite today’s verdict.  Michigan State University has a long way to go in rebuilding trust with its students, athletes, faculty, alumni and the entire state of Michigan.  To do so, it must have new leadership. As an MSU alumnus, I add my voice to those calling for President Simon’s resignation, and I will work in the U.S. Senate to address the failures that led us to this day.”
