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Peters Blasts FCC Vote to Dismantle Net Neutrality Protections

WASHINGTON, D.C. U.S. Senator Gary Peters (MI) released the following statement on today’s Federal Communications Commission (FCC) vote to roll back net neutrality protections that ensure all consumers and small businesses have access to a free and open internet:

“Today’s FCC vote to scrap net neutrality protections is an anti-consumer decision that disadvantages small businesses and everyday internet users. This action could usher in a two-tiered internet, where large corporations that can pay for a fast lane have the power to slow down or block content, and consumers and small businesses are relegated to the slow lane.

“We live in an increasingly interconnected world where a free and open internet has never been more important to Michigan’s economic success. Michigan families and small businesses rely on net neutrality protections to ensure they can achieve their goals—whether it’s reaching customers in new markets, accessing educational opportunities or connecting with loved ones around the globe. Net neutrality levels the playing field, and without these protections, consumers and entrepreneurs will face unnecessary hurdles to the economic opportunities the internet provides.”

In response to today’s decision, Senator Peters joined his colleagues in announcing a plan to introduce a Congressional Review Act (CRA) resolution that would reverse today’s FCC action and restore the agency’s 2015 net neutrality rules. CRA resolutions allow Congress to overturn regulatory actions at federal agencies with a simple majority vote in both chambers. 
