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Peters Bipartisan Bills to Strengthen Delivery of Government Services and Support Federal Agencies’ Efforts to Meet Performance Goals Advance in Senate

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Two bipartisan bills authored by U.S. Senator Gary Peters (MI) to help improve collaboration among federal agency offices located outside of Washington, D.C, and improve government effectiveness have advanced in the Senate. The bills would authorize Federal Executive Boards (FEBs), which help improve collaboration among federal agency offices located outside of Washington, D.C. and support government-wide councils that are critical to implementing the President’s Management Agenda. The bills were approved by the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, where Peters serves as Chair, and now move to the full Senate for consideration.

“To rebuild trust in the federal government, we must be able to effectively serve communities on the ground,” said Senator Peters. “These bipartisan bills will help ensure federal agencies are properly using taxpayer dollars to improve operations, strengthen the federal workforce, and support government employees in Michigan as they work to deliver essential services to Michiganders.”

The Government-wide Executive Councils Administration and Results Improvement Act will make permanent and expand the Office of Executive Councils at the General Services Administration (GSA). The legislation increases accountability for government-wide performance goals by requiring greater transparency for the funds collected and used to support the President’s Management Agenda—which defines management priorities for all federal agencies to improve the operations and performance of the federal government. The legislation also increases visibility into council decision-making and project execution by streamlining leadership roles and responsibilities of the primary government-wide councils. Finally, the bill also requires each council to develop strategic plans and to post those plans publicly, so Congress and the public can better understand council priorities, see how those priorities directly contribute to the President’s Management Agenda and enable more effective oversight of critical government-wide management challenges. 

The Improving Government Efficiency and Workforce Development through Federal Executive Boards Act would authorize Federal Executive Boards (FEB) and establish a stable source of funding to support them. FEBs help coordinate federal emergency response activities at the local level, and build partnerships between agencies and state and local partners to ensure federal programs are delivered effectively. Currently, there are 28 FEB locations across the nation, including one in Detroit, Michigan. The legislation would enhance FEB workforce development-related activities, such as supporting recruitment into federal internship and apprenticeship programs.

Peters has led numerous efforts to ensure the federal government works effectively and efficiently for the American people. He convened a hearing to ensure pandemic emergency relief funds have been effectively used to help Americans affected by COVID-19. Peters’ bipartisan bill to save taxpayer dollars by ensuring federal property assets are disaster resilient has advanced in the Senate. As a part of the American Rescue Plan, Peters secured $1 billion for the Technology Modernization Fund to modernize federal government systems that deliver critical services, like unemployment insurance, to Americans. Peters’ provision to help save billions of federal taxpayer dollars by curbing erroneous payments to deceased individuals was signed into law last Congress.  A law written by Peters to reduce duplicative software purchases called the MEGAByte Act has saved taxpayers more than $450 million since 2016.
