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Peters Applauds Senate Approval of Montenegro’s Bid to Join NATO

WASHINGTON, DCU.S. Senator Gary Peters, a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee and Co-Chair of the Senate Albanian Issues Caucus, released the statement below following his vote in favor of a treaty approving the ascension of Montenegro into the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO):

“Strengthening our NATO alliance is critical to America’s national security as Russia seeks to expand its influence and destabilize democracies across the globe – including our own. Today’s overwhelmingly bipartisan vote to approve Montenegro’s bid to join NATO sends a clear message that the values of freedom and democracy will not buckle under pressure from Vladimir Putin. With its strategic positioning along the Adriatic Sea and commitment to democratic institutions, Montenegro will be a welcomed addition to the NATO alliance.

“Montenegro’s ascension to NATO builds on the recent membership of other key allies in the Balkan region, including Albania and Croatia, that serve as a bulwark against Russian aggression in Southeast Europe. It is vital - now more than ever - that the United States demonstrates its unwavering commitment to NATO by supporting the expansion and reinforcement of our transatlantic alliance.”