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Peters Applauds Efforts to Invest in Innovation to Drive Economic Growth

WASHINGTON, DCU.S. Senator Gary Peters (MI) today released the following statement applauding the Obama Administration’s Strategy for American Innovation that prioritizes investments in research and development, advanced vehicle technology and other innovations to spur economic growth:

“I am pleased to see that the Obama Administration is continuing to focus on economic growth by outlining efforts to invest in the research and development priorities that are the building blocks of a strong economy. The innovation generated through federal investments in research and development helps to build new industries, create jobs and enhance American economic competitiveness.

“I am particularly pleased to see the Administration’s emphasis on promoting advanced vehicles. Technology like vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communications are the next frontier of the auto industry and vehicle safety. At a time when more than 30,000 people are killed in traffic accidents every year, these technologies will make our vehicles more efficient and save thousands of lives.

“Michigan is already leading the way in the development and testing of these vital technologies, but we must ensure that the United States continues to be a world leader in developing these kinds of innovations. Congress should follow through on this strategy by lifting the sequestration spending caps and ensuring we can provide adequate funding for federal investments to drive these critical domestic research advancements forward.”

Peters, a member of the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee, strongly supports advanced vehicle technologies. He introduced legislation to promote the development and implementation of V2V and V2I technologies, including the bipartisan Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Safety Technology Investment Flexibility Act of 2015, which would allow states to use existing federal highway and surface transportation funds to invest in V2I communications technology. Peters also introduced the Vehicle Innovation Act to promote investments in research and development of V2X technologies to improve vehicle safety and efficiency. Additionally, Peters worked with Republican Senator Cory Gardner (CO) to create the bipartisan Senate Smart Transportation Caucus, which focuses on policies that will ensure American manufacturers continue to lead the development of transformative vehicle technologies. 
