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Peters Announces $400,000 in CHIPS Act Funding for Michigan Manufacturing Technology Center to Strengthen Supply Chains

Peters Helped Enact the CHIPS Act and is a Champion for the Manufacturing Extension Partnership Program

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Senator Gary Peters (MI) announced $400,000 in federal funding for the Michigan Manufacturing Technology Center, Michigan’s Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) program, to help manufacturers in Michigan improve the strength of their supply chains. The funding is made available from the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s Expansion Awards Pilot Program, which was established by the CHIPS and Science Act that Peters helped author and pass into law.

“Strengthening supply chains is critical for Michigan manufacturers, our economy and national security,” said Senator Peters, a member of the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee. “This funding will help expand the reach of the Michigan Manufacturing Technology Center’s innovative work to help manufacturers in Michigan bolster their supply chains – which will make our state’s manufacturing sector more efficient and resilient.”  

“There is no question that supply chains are one of the most pressing challenges for our nation’s manufacturers,” said Ingrid Tighe, President of the Michigan Manufacturing Technology Center, the Michigan representative of the Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) program, part of the National Institute of Standards and Technology. “This grant will enable our organization to work with small and medium-size manufacturers in Michigan on supply chain management and optimization, as well as risk mitigation, particularly in the automotive and defense industries. We appreciate the support and leadership of our legislators and NIST for their focus on supply chains and for securing funding that will benefit so many manufacturers that are the engine that drives our economy.”

The CHIPS and Science Act aims to lower costs for the products American families depend on, bring high-quality jobs home, increase production along the entire domestic semiconductor supply chain and strengthen America’s national security.

Peters has made investing in MEPs and strengthening supply chains a top priority. In the most recent government funding bill signed into law, Peters secured an additional $188 million for MEPs like Michigan’s Manufacturing Technology Center – which provide technical assistance to small and medium-sized manufacturers on business operations, advanced technologies, workforce and skills development, cybersecurity and more. Peters also supported and helped pass the Inflation Reduction Act, which will strengthen domestic manufacturing, onshore our supply chains, combat the climate crisis and create millions of American jobs. Earlier this year, Peters reintroduced the bipartisan Securing Semiconductor Supply Chains Act to help attract investment in strengthening domestic semiconductor manufacturing and supply chains. Peters has additionally raised the issue of supply chain disruptions seen in recent years with numerous Biden Administration officials in conversations both before and after President Biden took office – including during a roundtable discussion with Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo in Michigan.

