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WLUC TV 6 Marquette: Sen. Peters announces legislation to create National Institute of Manufacturing

The NIM is modeled after the National Institutes of Health, and would be used to enhance manufacturing jobs across the country.

U.S. Senator Gary Peters (D-MI) has announced new legislation that would establish a National Institute of Manufacturing.

Peters, rolled out the plan during a video call Wednesday, July 8, joined by Michigan manufacturing leaders. The NIM is modeled after the National Institutes of Health, and would be used to enhance manufacturing jobs across the country.

The hope is this legislation would create a more cohesive and centralized approach to job creation across the country.

“We have 58 programs that deal with manufacturing spread across 11 different agencies. They’re not coordinated, it’s not efficient, taxpayer money is being wasted, we need to be focused on the mission, which is to strengthen good paying manufacturing jobs in America,” said Sen. Peters.

The legislation would also create a Chief Manufacturing Officer and National Manufacturing Council, to be a voice in Washington to advocate for these changes.