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WLNS 6 Lansing: Michigan Senator leading inquiry into federal response to rise of white supremacist violence

Senator Gary Peters leads bipartisan inquiry that raises questions

WASHINGTON (WLNS) - Senator Gary Peters is looking into the federal government’s response to evolving domestic terrorism threats and the rise of white supremacist violence.

“Just days ago, a white supremacist terrorist murdered one woman and injured three others at a synagogue in San Diego, exactly six months to the day after the deadliest attack on the Jewish community in American history at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh,” said Senator Peters.

Peters is a ranking member of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee.

An unclassified 2017 Joint Intelligence Bulletin prepared by the FBI and DHS concluded that white supremacist extremists were responsible for more homicides and attacks over the past sixteen years “than any other domestic extremist movement."

The bipartisan inquiry follows several public reports raising questions about the effectiveness of current programs and the impact of recent structural changes at DHS, DOJ and FBI.