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Peters launches bipartisan data misuse bill

WASHINGTON, D.C. (WLNS) — U.S. Senator Gary Peters (MI) introduced a bipartisan bill to secure and protect information handled by federal contractors using artificial intelligence (AI) technology.

Among the AI information includes biometric data from facial recognition scans.

The bill would require the Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to establish and consult with an Artificial Intelligence Hygiene Working Group.

The group would ensure that government contractors are securing and using data collected by AI technologies to protect national security.

"While artificial intelligence applications have the potential to strengthen our national security, we must ensure data collected by this technology is secure, used appropriately, and does not compromise the privacy and rights of Americans. This bipartisan bill will help ensure that federal contractors are using artificial intelligence properly and for the benefit of the country – and that the information collected through these technologies is not misused."