Cosponsored — A bill to amend title 38, United States Code, to modify the criteria for approval of certain independent study programs for purposes of the educational assistance programs of the Department of Veterans Affairs.
Cosponsored — A bill to amend title 46, United States Code, to require applicants for grants that propose to use digital infrastructure or a software component to certify the applicant has an approved security plan that addresses the cybersecurity risks of such digital infrastructure or software, and for other purposes.
Cosponsored — A bill to amend title 5, United States Code, concerning restrictions on the participation of certain Federal employees in partisan political activity, and for other purposes.
Cosponsored — A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide an investment credit for converting non-residential buildings to affordable housing.
Sponsored — A bill to require the United States Postal Service to submit a comprehensive proposal to the Postal Regulatory Commission before implementing any network changes, and for other purposes.