As a Member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, Senator Peters is responsible for helping write the legislation that allocates federal resources to local, state, and national government agencies and organizations on an annual basis. The Committee is also responsible for reviewing the President’s annual budget request, conducting oversight of federal spending, and drafting supplemental funding bills for emergency situations.
Senator Peters’ membership on the Appropriations Committee presents an opportunity to advocate for the priorities of Michiganders. Constituents can help determine these priorities by submitting proposed federal appropriations requests. This page explains the two different types of appropriations requests and includes links to the forms for submitting each type of request.
The vast majority of federal discretionary spending qualifies as programmatic funding. Programmatic requests are requests for Congress to fund an already-authorized federal program at a specific level or to include language directing a federal agency to implement a program in a specific way. Programmatic funds can come in the form of discretionary grants, loans, or via a formula determined by statute. Stakeholders can advocate for changes in the amount of funding these programs receive or for specific bill or committee report language by submitting programmatic funding requests. Senator Peters’ FY2026 programmatic funding request form is available here:
In order to submit a request, you will need to know which subcommittee has jurisdiction over your request. The full jurisdiction of each Appropriations Subcommittee is available here. You are able to make multiple appropriations requests. Please fill out a separate form for each request. If you have questions, please contact
In addition to accepting programmatic requests, in FY2026 Senator Peters will accept requests for congressionally directed spending (CDS) items.
Senator Peters will accept requests for high-impact public local projects in Michigan that can benefit from the federal government’s assistance. To be considered, the project must be eligible for federal funding within its respective appropriations bill account and comply with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations. Only local government entities, such as municipalities (or coalitions of municipal entities), villages, townships, counties, tribal governments and public institutions funded through public funding sources, including state-funded universities, are eligible to apply. The office will not consider requests from nonprofit organizations, trade organizations, or for-profit entities. Please be aware that submission of an application does not guarantee that funding will be requested by the Senator or awarded through enacted appropriations legislation.
As part of the CDS process, Senator Peters’ office is required to disclose all of the requests he submits to the Appropriations Committee. A complete list of CDS projects secured by Senator Peters in previous years is available here and here for FY24, here for FY23, and here for FY22.
Among other questions, you will be asked the following as part of your CDS request:
· The total project costs, the funds requested from Congress, and the source(s) of the balance of the funding needed;
· How the requested funding will be spent, as specifically as possible;
· A justification for how the request will positively impact Michigan including metrics for outcomes that would be improved if your project is implemented;
· Demonstrated support from relevant stakeholders, including in the form of letters of support;
· Evidence that the requesting organization has the capacity to take on this project; and
· Information about project partners (e.g., suppliers, contractors, partnering organizations)
You will also be asked to identify the correct Subcommittee under which to submit your CDS request, and in some cases, the correct Account. To identify the correct Subcommittee, please utilize Senator Peters' FY2026 Appropriations Handbook, available here:
Please send questions regarding which Subcommittee your project fits within to
Once you have gathered the information needed, please submit your CDS request using this form:
You are able to make multiple CDS requests. Please fill out a separate form for each request.
The form will ask that you list relevant local organizations and state and local elected officials who support the project. After submitting the form, please send an email to and attach evidence of that support (whether a letter of support, local municipal resolution, news article, or other). Please use the following subject line format: “[Name of Requesting Organization] - [Project Name]”. E.g., “Entity ABC - Electrification of Burlington Bus Route 40”.
Deadline: March 17
All appropriations requests - both for Congressionally Directed Spending and Programmatic Funding – are due on March 17.
Following the deadline, Senator Peters’ office will review and submit requests to the Appropriations Committee. Each Subcommittee will then review the requests received and determine what can be funded in the annual appropriations bill. Only those requests that comply with Committee and Senate rules and are deemed appropriate for federal support will be considered for funding. Ultimately, a final appropriations bill must pass both the Senate and House and be signed by the president.
If you have questions regarding the FY2026 appropriations process in Senator Peters’ office, please contact
For previous years' funding requests click below: